What is MH-CET?

  • The Government of Maharashtra conducts a single Common Entrance Test MHT-CET for selections to all degree course in Health Sciences and Engineering / Technology courses.
  • For selection to Health Sciences & Engineering / Technology degree courses, The Director, Medical Education and Research (DMER) & Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) Mumbai are the Competent Authorities.
  • The application form MHT-CET 2018 will be available on the following websites:

Test Patten

  • The MHT-CET-2018 will consists of one question paper containing 200 Multiple Choice questions (MCQ), each Carrying 1(one) mark and total marks 200.
  • The distribution of number of questions and marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Zoology & Botany) and Mathematics is as under
Subject Number    Of MCQ’s Marks Subject Number Of MCQ’s Marks
90 Min. Physics 50 50 Physics 50 50
Chemistry 50 50 Chemistry 50 50
90 Min. Biology 100 100 Mathematics 100 100
180 Min. Total 200 200 Total 200 200

*There shall be no negative marking.| *Changing an answer is not allowed | *Bubbling the OMR should be done properly with pen.

Syllabus of Examination:

Syllabus of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics for the MHT-CET-2018 will be the same as for the current year for HSC/12th Examination (i.e. March 2019) of HSC Board Maharashtra.

Eligibility for Admission into Courses:

The candidate must be born no or before 31st December 2002 to be eligible to appear for MHT-CET 2019. The Birth certificate indicating name of the candidate, Secondary School Certificate i.e., S.S.C or equivalent examination certificate or School Leaving Certificate endorsing the date of birth will constitute a valid proof.

Eligibility Criteria of Qualifying Examination:

A candidate belonging to Open Category must have obtained not less than 50% (i.e. 100 out of 200) marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology / Mathematics taken together at the HSC (or equivalent) Examination.